OCSD Art in the Capitol

The Art in the Capitol Competition, authorized by section 1003.49965, Florida Statutes, is a statewide visual arts competition that requires each school district to annually hold an art competition for all students in grades 6-8 attending public schools, private schools, and home schools in Florida.  

We had a student place first in each of the three categories.  The Best in Show, Art in the Capitol winner, is chosen from those first place winners. We are pleased to announce the winners! The Art in the Capitol winner that will be displayed at the Capitol building in Tallahassee.


1st Place Digital Category - Meagan Brockington-Saul from Bruner Middle School

1st Place Mixed Media Category - Erin Darnell from Ruckel Middle School

1st Place Pencil Category & BEST IN SHOW/ART IN THE CAPITOL WINNER - Malia Rowlands from Ruckel Middle School