Pay for School Activities and Lunch Online

The Okaloosa County School District is proud to offer online payment options for school activities and lunch.
Pay for School Activities with SchoolCash Online
Okaloosa County School District's preferred method of payment for school items and activity fees is SchoolCash Online. SchoolCash Online is a simple way to pay for school items and activity fees:
Receive email notifications of new fees or items available for purchase, including field trips, yearbooks, spirit wear, athletic fees, and more.
Pay for school fees anytime, anywhere, with a simple click.
Keep track of all school items and activity fees and manage all students in your household from one location.
Register now to be ready to make safe and secure online payments from home, both now and in the future as additional school items become available.
Pay for School Lunches with MySchool Bucks
MySchoolBucks gives parents the convenience and flexibility of one account to securely pay for all of their student meals with a credit card, debit card, or electronic check.