Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

In collaboration with Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research, the Superintendent and The School Board of Okaloosa County recognized the month of September 2022 as "Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.”

 The Proclamation of National Childhood Cancer Awareness recognizes that children are Okaloosa County School District’s most valuable resource, and their health and wellness is crucial to their success in the classroom. Cancer is the #1 killer of children. Kids get different kinds of cancers than adults, including and most commonly, brain cancer. Other types of childhood cancers are blood, bone, and rare cancers, which is why children require different treatments than adults.

Childhood Cancer facts:

  • Eight years old is the average age of death for a child with cancer
  • 47 children are diagnosed with cancer every school day in America. That's about two classrooms full of students every single day.
  • 2/3 of kids with cancer will develop late side effects from their cancer treatment, such as heart disease and other life-threatening illnesses, caused by their treatments.
  • On average, 55 children are diagnosed with cancer each year in our community, not including children who relapse or children on multiyear treatment protocols. That means at any given time, there are hundreds of children battling cancer in our community.
  • Childhood cancer research is underfunded, with only 4% of all cancer research dollars going to fund childhood cancer research. Thanks to the Rally Childhood Cancer Foundation who are working to fill the funding gap, .93 cents of every dollar raised at Rally goes towards funding research. Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research has provided a valuable resource to children and families who are afflicted with this horrendous disease.

 Childhood Cancer Awareness Month encourages others to participate in efforts throughout the year to raise awareness and funding for childhood cancer research with Rally Pensacola while supporting families who face devastating effects and costs.