Eagle Family Events

We welcome parents to join our PTO and support our Eagles.

As part of our Parent Teacher Organization we work together to SOAR our way to success!

PTO Meetings

Location: Riverside Library Time: 3:45 PM



29 August

13 February

17 October

7 May



August 7: Teacher Meet & Greet

January 8: Students' First Day Back from Break

August 10: First Day of School

January 15: MLK Holiday (No School)

August 16: Wear Red

January 22: Book Fair Begins

August 23: Wear Yellow

January 23: 100th Day of School

August 25: Fall Pictures

January 22 - 26: Literacy Week

August 29: Book Fair Begins

January 26: Class Picture Day

August 29: PTO & SAC & Open House

February 5: School Counseling Week

August 30: Wear Blue

February 9: Valentine's Dance

September 4: Labor Day (No School)

February 15: SRO Day

September 6: Wear Purple

February 19: Presidents' Day (No School)

September 8: World Physical Therapy Day

February 22: School Bus Driver Day

September 11: Patriots' Day - Wear Red, White, and Blue

March 12: Spring Pictures

September 13: Wear Brown

March 12: Spring Cookout

September 15: Dot Day

March 14: Pi Day/ End of 3rd Nine Weeks

September 18-21: Start with Hello Week

March 15-22: Spring Break (No School)

September 20: Wear Green

March 19: National Social Worker Day

September 26: Math Night 5:30pm - 6:30pm

March 25: Teacher Work Day (No School)

September 27: Wear Black

April 2: Wear Blue (Autism Awareness)

October 2: School Custodian Day

April 3: Wear Yellow (Day of Hope)

October 3: Makeup Pictures

April 4: School Librarian Day

October 4: Wear Pink

April 15: Wear Purple (Military Child)

October 6: National Coaches Day

April 16: Science Night

October 9: End of 1st Nine Weeks (No School)

April 20: Volunteer Appreciation Day

October 11: Wear White

April 23: School Bus Driver Day

October 18: Unity Day - Wear Orange

April 24: Administrative Professional Day

October 23-27: Red Ribbon Week

May 6: Teacher Appreciation Week

October 25: Wear Rainbow

May 8: School Nurse Day

October 27: World Occupational Therapist Day

May 10: VPK & Kindergarten Field Day

November 6: School Psychology Week

May 12: National Mental Health Provider Appreciation

November 9: Veterans Day Program-Wear Red, White and Blue

May 13: 1st Grade Field Day

November 10: Veterans Day Observed (No School)

May 14: 2nd Grade Field Day

November 15: Ed Support Professionals Day

May 15: 3rd Grade Field Day

November 17: Turkey Trot

May 16: 4th Grade Field Day

November 20 - 24: Thanksgiving Holiday

May 17: 5th Grade Field Day

December 8: Hour of Code

May 18: National Speech-Language Pathologist Day

December 19: Winter Wonderland

May 24: Last Day of School

December 21: End of 2nd Nine Weeks (Pajama Day)

December 22: Winter Break Begins

Riverside has an ongoing mission to partner parents, faculty, and staff to provide our school with funds, programs, resources and services that will enrich and maximize the education of every child.

We welcome all Riverside parents and guardians to join our PTO team and help us make a positive impact in our school and community.


We would be delighted to have you as part of our team! 

 For more information please contact:

Sarah Kennedy, Assistant Principal

We also welcome you to join our Riverside Elementary School FACEBOOK:


News from the Nest